I'm using Python scikit-learn for simple linear regression on data obtained from csv.
reader = pandas.io.parsers.read_csv("data/all-stocks-cleaned.csv")
stock = np.array(reader)
openingPrice = stock[:, 1]
closingPrice = stock[:, 5]
peningPriceTrain, openingPriceTest, closingPriceTrain, closingPriceTest = \
train_test_split(openingPrice, closingPrice, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)
openingPriceTrain = np.reshape(openingPriceTrain,(openingPriceTrain.size,1))
openingPriceTrain = openingPriceTrain.astype(np.float64, copy=False)
# openingPriceTrain = np.arange(openingPriceTrain, dtype=np.float64)
closingPriceTrain = np.reshape(closingPriceTrain,(closingPriceTrain.size,1))
closingPriceTrain = closingPriceTrain.astype(np.float64, copy=False)
openingPriceTest = np.reshape(openingPriceTest,(openingPriceTest.size,1))
closingPriceTest = np.reshape(closingPriceTest,(closingPriceTest.size,1))
regression = linear_model.LinearRegression()
regression.fit(openingPriceTrain, closingPriceTrain)
predicted = regression.predict(openingPriceTest)
The min and max values are showed as 0.0 0.6 41998.0 2593.9
Yet I'm getting this error ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64').
How should I remove this error? Because from the above result it is true that it doesn't contain infinites or Nan values.
What's the solution for this?
Edit: all-stocks-cleaned.csv is avaliabale at http://www.sharecsv.com/s/cb31790afc9b9e33c5919cdc562630f3/all-stocks-cleaned.csv
The problem with your regression is that somehow
's have sneaked into your data. This could be easily checked with the following code snippet:If you try imputing missing values like below:
your regression will run smoothly without a problem:
In short: you have missing values in your data, as the error message said.
perhaps an easier and more straightforward approach would be to check if you have any missing data right after you read the data with pandas:
and then impute the data with any of the two lines below: