I have a View
. In this view, I have a Container View
. And in the ContainerView
I have a button.
When I am touching the button of the ContainerView, I want the ContainerView become hidden.
I want to do something like that :
class ContainerView: UIViewController {
@IBAction func closeContainerViewButton(sender: AnyObject) {
//I try this : self.hidden = false
//or this : self.setVisibility(self.INVISIBLE)
Any idea how do it?
There are serval ways but here is the easiest one, not prettiest though. You should really use delegates but this is a hacky way to get started. Just create a global variable of the class that holds the container (startController in this case). Then call it from your other view controller (MyViewInsideContainer) and tell it to hide the view you´re in. I have not run this code but it should work.
i think a cleaner solution is to use delegation:
in the ParentViewController
in the ContainerViewController