I've found this doc on how to post JSON data using HttpBuilder. I'm new to this, but it is very straightforward example and easy to follow. Here is the code, assuming I had imported all required dependencies.
def http = new HTTPBuilder( 'http://example.com/handler.php' )
http.request( POST, JSON ) { req ->
body = [name:'bob', title:'construction worker']
response.success = { resp, json ->
// response handling here
Now my problem is, I'm getting an exception of
at groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder$RequestConfigDelegate.setBody(HTTPBuilder.java:1131)
Did I miss something? I'll greatly appreciate any help you can do.
If you need to execute a POST with contentType JSON and pass a complex json data, try to convert your body manually:
I gave up on HTTPBuilder in my Grails application (for POST at least) and used the
method offered here.(Bear in mind that if you are using straight Groovy outside of a Grails app, the techniques for de/encoding the JSON will be different to those below)
Just replace the content-type with
in the following lines ofsendHttps()
You will also be responsible for marshalling your JSON data
I found an answer in this post: POST with HTTPBuilder -> NullPointerException?
It's not the accepted answer, but it worked for me. You may need to set the content type before you specify the 'body' attribute. It seems silly to me, but there it is. You could also use the 'send contentType, [attrs]' syntax, but I found it more difficult to unit test. Hope this helps (late as it is)!
I had the same problem a while ago and found a blog that noted the 'requestContentType' should be set before 'body'. Since then, I've added the comment 'Set ConentType before body or risk null pointer' in each of my httpBuilder methods.
Here's the change I would suggest for your code:
I took a look at HttpBuilder.java:1131, and I'm guessing that the content type encoder that it retrieves in that method is null.
Most of the POST examples here set the
property in the builder, which is what it looks like the code is using to get that encoder. Try setting it like this: