I am using WebDriver and I have downloaded the InternetExplorerDriver and was wondering what I do with it after it is downloaded?
This says to put the driver in my path. Not really certain what exactly they are talking about there.
Has anyone used this and if so could you provide detailed steps on how to set it up so it will work?
I am getting the following error:
The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.ie.driver system property
I downloaded the executables for IE and the Chrome driver. Where do I set it at?
If you are using RemoteDriver things are different. From http://element34.ca/blog/iedriverserver-webdriver-and-python :
You will need to start the server using a line like
I found that if the IEDriverServer.exe was in
or its subfolders, it couldn't be found automatically (even though System32 was in the%PATH%
) or explicitly using the -D flag.Unpack it and place somewhere you can find it. In my example, I will assume you will place it to C:\Selenium\iexploredriver.exe
Then you have to set it up in the system. Here is the Java code pasted from my Selenium project:
Basically, you have to set this property before you initialize driver
Another way to resolve this problem is:
Let's assume:
path_to_driver_directory = C:\Work\drivers\
driver = IEDriverServer.exe
When getting messsage about path you can always add path_to_driver_directory containing driver to the PATH environment variable. Check: http://java.com/en/download/help/path.xml
Then simply check in cmd window if driver is available - just run cmd in any location and type name of driver.
If everything works fine then you get:
Thats it.
This is just to help somebody in future. When we initiate InternetExplorerDriver() instance in a java project it uses IEDriver.exe (downloaded by individuals) which tries to extract temporary files in user's TEMP folder when it's not in path then ur busted.
Safest way is to provide your own extract path as shown below
Basically you need to download the IEDriverServer.exe from Selenium HQ website without executing anything just remmeber the location where you want it and then put the code on Eclipse like this
for the path use double slash //
ok have fun !!
// Download Chrome Driver from http://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/downloads/list