What event is triggered when EOF is reached while writing to a stream ? My code is as follows. and it is as per http://docs.nodejitsu.com/articles/advanced/streams/how-to-use-fs-create-write-stream
But surprisingly my 'end' event is never fired. When I checked http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_event_end, I see that writable stream does not have any event on 'end'
var x = a1.jpg;
var options1 = {'url': url_of_an_image, 'encoding': null};
var r = request(options1).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/imageresize/'+x));
r.on('end', function(){
console.log('file downloaded to ', '/tmp/imageresize/'+x);
How do I capture the EOF event ?
Updated 30 Oct 2013
Readable Steams emit
event when the underlying resource done writing.But if you want to catch the moment when
finished writing data to the disc, you need Writeable Streamfinish