This afternoon in Bristol, UK, the ISO C++ standards committee adopted generic lambdas, dynamic arrays (an improved version of C99 VLAs), variable templates, reader/writer locks, make_unique, optional, standard library user-defined literals, and a number of other language and library improvements – and approved the result as the feature-complete Committee Draft (CD) of Standard C++14 to be distributed for its primary international review ballot.
I'm interested reading the specifics about the new features but I can't seem to find any more written about them than is in the link above.
From here.
This is, also, an interesting article
WG21 papers list(2013): here
Std proposals Google group: here
Update - 1 :
C++14 Committee Draft (CD) announcement: here
C++14 Committee Draft (CD), document: here
Update - 2 :
C++14 Working Draft , document: here
Note : The difference between the Working Draft and the Standard can be found here
I am not entirely sure that this is the official draft, but it seems so: