I am looking to achieve this: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#popovers-examples - scroll to the "live Demo" and hit the red popover button, in Chrome on OS X.... It's perfect beautiful
Now go here (the problem child): http://yoyo.io/javascript/#popovers - it outlines blue, aaaargh.
If you inspect you will see a litany of CSS efforts from me to remove this! It looks correct in Safari and Firefox but a no go in Chrome!
Anyone - what am I overlooking??
Many thanks in advance!
In the mixins of the Bootstrap sources Sass files, remove all
references (not in the outline variant).Or simply code you own _customButton.scss mixin.
In bootstrap 4 the outline is no longer used, but the box-shadow. If it is your case, just do the following:
With scss:
Here's the solution:
This works 100% hope it helps you.
Search and replace
Replace to
This will remove it - short and clean: