I am using winforms, and I update a text box once in a while (showing messages). however, when the text reaches the end of the box it produces scrollbars and I don't know how to scroll down to the bottom. The only thing I see is ScrollToCaret, but Caret is at the beginning of the text. What is the command to scroll?
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This is a bit of an old question, but none of the suggested answers worked for me (ScrollToCaret() only works when the TextBox has focus). So in case any more should be searching for this at some point, I thought I'd share what I found to be the solution:
Credit for the solution should go to this post at bytes.com: http://bytes.com/topic/c-sharp/answers/248500-scroll-bottom-textbox#post1005377
You can use the SetScrollPos API :
You can do this by making use of a function called ScrollToCaret. You need to first set the caret position to the end of the text box, then you can scroll to it. Here's how to do it:
After searching and never finding a legitimate solution that works with and without focus as well as horizontally and vertically, I stumbled across an API solution that works (at least for my platform - Win7 / .Net4 WinForms).
With a multiline textbox (tbx_main) use like:
If you use the AppendText() method of the Textbox, the text will be added to the bottom of any existing text and the control will scroll to display it.
You need to set your caret at the end of your text: