I am trying to optimize the load in my application, in fact, I have a lot of images that loaded in my application, and I spend a lot of time waiting for a view controller to open, especially the first initial view which includes a lot of images.
I took a look at apple sample
but I cannot re-work the whole application, what I want is just to tell me specifically what should I do?, I implement?
in the tableview
, where the cell is implemented cellforrowatindexpath:
NSURL *imageURL = ......;
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:imageURL];
UIImage *imageLoad;
imageLoad = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];
imageView.image = imageLoad;
could I do something?
thank you for your help!
Here is a slightly modified approach of Ramu Pasupoletis answer. I added the __block modifier to make the var img visible inside the block called on the main thread. Here is the complete method definition which I use in
for fetching the thumbnails lazily. I also added placeholders there for the cells UIImageViews.
Use IDAsyncImageView.h
Take a look at this control: https://github.com/nicklockwood/AsyncImageView
It's very easy to implement (only 1 header file) and will suit your needs just fine.
Using this control: Instead of declaring:
Try this code:
Yes, you can add placeholder image to it.
It will not slow down the scrolling and will load image accordingly with time.
Also import this file UIImageView+WebCache.m and MapKit Framework
Here is the link to download the files.
Just clean, build and run.
You can use async imageview.
Take a look at this link.You will have an idea on using async imageview.