Please could anyone help me with this problem? The wordpress admin bar is not displaying on the front-end (public visible pages) of my website. It shows when I'm logged in at the backend i.e Dashboard though. User settings are ok (set to show admin bar when viewing the site). I have tried deactivating (then, re-activating ) installed plugins, still no show.
Just a background note: I recently transferred the site to my webhost (I was developing locally and everything worked and is still working). And I have a custom folder for wordpress. I was wondering if the problem has to do with this.
Please help I have searched everywhere but seems everyone is looking to hide the admin panel instead.
Thanks in advance
I had a sitiation when the admin dashboard was opened in one Chrome tab, but I could not make front-end part opened in the other tab to enter the admin state and show the admin bar.
The front-end always opened as if I had not logged in as an admin in the other tab.
The issue was that I had the site opened in yet another Chrome window (not tab) as not-logged-in visitor.
As soon as I closed all the tabs and all the sessions and reopened the single Chrome window with two tabs (admin / front end) the admin bar appeared in the front end.
Here's a solution that I found. Need to have
<? wp_head()?>
and<? wp_footer(); ?>
.More info:
To clarify after a lot of searching for a solution, similar to MattKnowles solution but more specific: Make sure that in settings > WordPress Address (URL) and settings > Site address (URL) that if one has www then the other also does and the other way round. Otherwise it seems while you are browsing the site it is a different domain to the admin area and the admin bar does not show.
Just add in your template
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
and<?php wp_head(); ?>
Still working on this, but there is a conflict with Woocommerce. if deactivated, toolbar is there. Active, no toolbar. More info here.
Most of the time the wp_footer() call is right where it should be so if you still can't see the admin bar then try the following:
log back in using the absolute url i.e.
and then see if it comes up - worked for me.
Also make sure the "Show Toolbar when viewing site" box is checked in your user profile page or whatever you try ain't gonna work my friend!.