I have a View controller displaying some information (not table views).
I have an update call to a remote server which fills my data base. I would like to completely reload my ViewController after the update call is done.
What should I do?
I have a View controller displaying some information (not table views).
I have an update call to a remote server which fills my data base. I would like to completely reload my ViewController after the update call is done.
What should I do?
Try this, You have to call both methods to reload view, as this one works for me,
Update the data ... change button titles..whatever stuff you have to update..
then just call
Direct to your ViewController again. in my situation
[self.view setNeedsDisplay];
and[self viewDidLoad]; [self viewWillAppear:YES];
does not work, but the method below worked.In objective C
If you want to reload a ViewController initially loaded from a XIB, you can use the next UIViewController extension:
if you know your database hasbee updated and you want to just refresh viewcontrolle(which is mine case too). i didnt find anyother solution but what i did is when my database updated i called
again, and it worked. remember if you override other viewWillAppear or loadView then call them too in same order. like.
but i think there should be a more specific solution like refresh button in browser. if anyone have plz upload anse
It is not advised to call ViewDidLoad or ViewWillAppear by yourself.
In the ViewDidLoad include a loadData() function to prepare the data. This is executed in the initial run.
When you want to reload, call loadData() again to get the data from model. In a tableView call reloadData() or in a regular view setNeedsDisplay().