The file that I am loading is separated by ' ' (white space). Below is the file. The file resides in HDFS:-
001 000
001 000
002 001
003 002
004 003
005 004
006 005
007 006
008 007
099 007
1> I am creating an external table and loading the file by issuing the below command:-
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS graph_edges (src_node_id STRING COMMENT 'Node ID of Source node', dest_node_id STRING COMMENT 'Node ID of Destination node') ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/user/hadoop/input';
2> After this, I am simply inserting the table in another file by issuing the below command:-
INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/user/hadoop/output' SELECT * FROM graph_edges;
3> Now, when I cat the file, the fields are not separated by any delimiter:-
hadoop dfs -cat /user/hadoop/output/000000_0
Can somebody please help me out? Why is the delimiter being removed and how to delimit the output file?
In the CREATE TABLE command I tried DELIMITED BY '\t'
but then I am getting unnecessary NULL column.
Any pointers help much appreciated. I am using Hive 0.9.0 version.
You can provide delimiter when writing to directories
This should work for you.
I suspect that hive actually is writing a contol-A as the delimeter, but when you do a cat to the screen it is not showing up to your eye.
Instead try bringing up the file in vi or head the file if you only want to see a little of it, and vi the result:
hadoop dfs -cat /user/hadoop/output/000000_0 | head > my_local_file.txt
vi my_local_file.txt
You should be able to see the ^A characters in there.
This would be a better solution I suppose though its a round about way of achieving.
INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/user/hadoop/output' SELECT src_node_id,' ',dest_node_id FROM graph_edges;
I have some different voice.
Indeed, Hive does not support custom delimiter.
But when you use
, there are delimiters in your lines. The delimiter is'\1'
.You can use
hadoop dfs -cat $file | head -1 | xxd
to find it out or get the file from HDFS to local machine and open it with vim. There will be some char like '^A' in your vim which is the delimiter.Back to the question, You can use a simple way to solve it.
Still use
INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/user/hadoop/output'
to generate/user/hadoop/output
;Create external table whose fields delimited by