What language does one need to use when programming with Unity? Or is it an API for many languages?
I read through the docs and I guess I missed the point on the language used.
It says it has iOS deployment, would this still allow the programmer to code in objective C?
Is Unity an sdk which can be used for many platforms or how does it work? It mentions deploy the same code on multiple platforms.
Unity supports:
1. UnityScript(Is known as Javascript but includes more functionality for the Unity game engine. I think this could be very easy to learn)
2. Boo (No experience)
3. C# (I prefer this as it is useful to learn and you will be able to use this outside of unity as well. I also think it is easy to get used to)
When you build for iPhone in Unity it does Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation of your mono assembly (written in C# or JavaScript) to native ARM code.
The authoring tool also creates a stub xcode project and references that compiled lib. You can add objective C code to this xcode project if there is native stuff you want to do that isn't exposed in Unity's environment yet (e.g. accessing the compass and/or gyroscope).
You can use C#, Javascript, Boo.
Unless computing requirement for the function you write cause heavy load on processor, Javascript gives good enough performance for most cases.
One can use any one of the following three scripting languages:
But my personal choice is C# because I find it faster in comparison to other two.
Unity3d supports C#, Boo and JavaScript. The framework translates this into its intermediate format and later to the desired platform (IOS/Android/Linux/Windows)
Keep in mind, C# Scripts are compiled first, followed by JS and Boo Hence if you want a C# script to interact with a JS, you ll have to keep the JS in the Standard Assets Folder.
i remember this from reading some articles about performance in unity from internet which awaring javascript users from using it in unity about really massive issues of using javascript in unity instead of C#, it says that C# is almost 4x faster than javascript!
i really appreciate that article b/c it saved my ass when i was about to start gaming, i dont mean that javascript it bad for unity developers , it is good but my advice could be that if you like using javascript, you should use it for simple small gamesNOT FOR BIG PROJECTS because it really can be a damn problem!