lets propose this scenario
a method with async network operations
func asyncMethodA() -> String?
result : String?
Alamofire.manager.request(.POST, "https://www.apiweb.com/apimethod", parameters: parameters, encoding:.JSON)
.response { (request, response, rawdata, error) in
if (response?.statusCode == 200)
return result //string
another method with async network operations
func asyncMethodB() -> String?
result : String?
Alamofire.manager.request(.POST, "https://www.yetanotherapiweb.com/apimethod", parameters: parameters, encoding:.JSON)
.response { (request, response, rawdata, error) in
if (response?.statusCode == 200)
return result //string
a method in which i shall call those methods A and B, to do some operations
func displayResult
1) let a = asyncMethodA()
2) let b = asyncMethodB()
3) println(a + b) //some chaotic stuff might happen :(
so the question is how i could make that (2) waits for (1) to run, and (3) waits for (2) and so on (that 1,2 and 3 run syncronised)?
(i know that one answer is to chain asyncMethodA and displayResult into asyncMethodB, but want to know if there is some other method)
thank you!.
Thanks Yimin for the code above. I've updated it to the latest Swift syntax so just posting to be helpful:
With the below, you can launch both async methods at the same time and do your heavy lifting after whichever one finishes last.
The guts of asyncMethodB would be
methodBFinished = true; doStuff()