I am wanting to implement Facebook Credits in my Facebook app. Does anyone know of a version of the Facebook Credits sample app available in Ruby on Rails? Has anybody made a gem for this yet? If I find one I'll link below...
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Here is my code taking the FB example and RORing it:
Then in addition to this there is:
I don't know if this helps anyone else but it's all working for me. Sorry for taking so long to remember to come back and post my working code...
View related code as requested:
Now all of this is coming from a guy who sat down and learned to program in Ruby On Rails with as little supporting Javascript knowledge as I can get away with, in about 12 weeks last year with a few more weeks thrown in this year for good measure. I say that by way of caution - the code I've posted might be garbage... but it works :-)
And if anyone actually finds any of this useful a VOTE UP on the answer would be appreciated - just sayin' :-)