I am trying to access mysql from my mac's terminal.
I have tried just typing
mysql -u root -p
(and Enter, but that does not exist..)
This is what i have managed to do/located so far:
Williams-iMac:mysql noName$ cd /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql
Williams-iMac:mysql noName$ ls
This is what is located there.
columns_priv.MYD help_relation.frm slow_log.CSV
columns_priv.MYI help_topic.MYD slow_log.frm
columns_priv.frm help_topic.MYI tables_priv.MYD
db.MYD help_topic.frm tables_priv.MYI
db.MYI host.MYD tables_priv.frm
db.frm host.MYI time_zone.MYD
event.MYD host.frm time_zone.MYI
event.MYI ndb_binlog_index.MYD time_zone.frm
event.frm ndb_binlog_index.MYI time_zone_leap_second.MYD
func.MYD ndb_binlog_index.frm time_zone_leap_second.MYI
func.MYI plugin.MYD time_zone_leap_second.frm
func.frm plugin.MYI time_zone_name.MYD
general_log.CSM plugin.frm time_zone_name.MYI
general_log.CSV proc.MYD time_zone_name.frm
general_log.frm proc.MYI time_zone_transition.MYD
help_category.MYD proc.frm time_zone_transition.MYI
help_category.MYI procs_priv.MYD time_zone_transition.frm
help_category.frm procs_priv.MYI time_zone_transition_type.MYD
help_keyword.MYD procs_priv.frm time_zone_transition_type.MYI
help_keyword.MYI servers.MYD time_zone_transition_type.frm
help_keyword.frm servers.MYI user.MYD
help_relation.MYD servers.frm user.MYI
help_relation.MYI slow_log.CSM user.frm
But i still don't know how to access the mysql, so that i can create a new database (without doing it i phpmyadmin). I have created a new database in phpmyadmin though, just to try enter:
mysql -u root -p (my_phpmyadmin_created_database)
..but without any success.
I hope that with all the information i have given about my issue to all of you out there, that someone will help my get by this time-consumimng-heck-of-a-boring-issue! :)
Thanks in advance!
I had to use open command for me to work.
open /App/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin/mysql
I used this to access phpmyadmin mysql database though terminal
I usually do this to activate php and mysql from terminal with XAMPP 1.7.3(and probably above) on Mac
if the xampp is install in your mac book just go the file path of cd /Applications/XAMPP/bin/
./mysql -u root -p
than it will ask for password if set than type else enter
mysql is started now !!!!!!!!
Worked like a charm!
Thanks to user: Wrikken!