In my previous projects I've done most of the work through Activities and used ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 as per the document:
I have an idea how to work with Activity Test cases; but when it comes to Fragment ,I don't have much idea nor found much documents related to that.
So how to write test cases when I have several fragments with one or two actvities?
Any example code or sample would be more helpful.
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Right now ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 is deprecated. Now you can use rules in order to use activities within your tests:
In order for those to work you'll have to add the dependencies to you build.gradle:
(See Why cannot I import AndroidJUnit4 and ActivityTestRule into my unit test class?)
Here's a rough guide using
:Step 1. Create a blank Activity to hold your fragment(s)
Step 2: Inside your test, instantiate your fragment and add it to the blank activity
Step 3 Test your instantiated fragment
If you're using robolectric, this is pretty straightforward using the FragmentUtilTest class:
Use your main activity as the test activity that you send to ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2. Then you can work with the fragments through the fragment manager of your main activity that launches the fragments. This is even better than having a test activity because it uses the logic that you write in your main activity to test scenarios, which gives a fuller and more complete test.
Here is my working solution:
Create an instrumentation unit test class for this in androidTest directory, i.e.:
call this constructor inside this new class:
override the setUp() method (be sure to have in your Activity class) where you will call at the end waitForIdleSync():
Write a test method, for example somethng like:
Run the test.