I am re-evaluating my 3rd party controls. I currently use the Infragistics tools suite for ASP.Net and WinForms. What controls do you use and would you recommend them?
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Only used Infragistics' and Janus controls.
Infragistics is ok but not good.
I wish I wont ever have to use Janus again, one of the worst and not intuitive APIs. And I can crash the provided sample with a few clicks...
We chose Syncfusion mainly because of it's almost complete handling of RightToLeft - they still have some bugs here and there, but they are very attentive to questions, bugs and feature requests.
I have used Telerik, Syncfusion and Infragistics third party controls and I would rate them in that order.
Telerik controls are an order of magnitude more pleasant to work with than Infragistics.
My $0.02.
I could recommend Telerik for ASP.NET. They are very nice but would only use them for an Intranet application as they are mostly powerful but heavy. For WinForms DevComponents have a brilliant set of components.
from what I seen the intersoft grids seem to be quite slow
Telerik is fairly prolific and easy to use on the asp.net side. Although you will find yourself hacking some functionality in and out of them and then having a code change everytime an update breaks your hacks.. regardless they are still easier than re-inventing the wheel.