I saw in another answer that in order to include the virtual fields you must do like https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/mongoose-orm/HjrPAP_WXYs
var schemaOptions = {
toJSON: {
virtuals: true
which I've done;
Now in the Schema:
new Schema({...}, schemaOptions);
But still so, the data doesn't include the virtual.. :s
But like this works:
var docsCallback = function(err, docs){
var i = docs.length;
var nDocs = [];
nDocs[i] = docs[i].toObject({virtuals: true});
You can do this way as well:
Just tried:
and worked! ;)
Now by default I use:
For me it worked only after adding
getters: true
to schema options, as mentioned in mongoose docs, i.e.var schemaOptions = { toObject: { getters: true }, toJSON: { getters: true } };