How can I change the project owner in gitlab? There are opions in project settings but in "transfer" field it does not recognize any username or anything. Is it possible at all to change the owner-permissions and root-privileges?
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You can add another owner to the project via:
Project -> Members -> Add members -> Select Owner as permission
Next you have to remove yourself from the project:
Project -> Members -> Click the red button behind your username
Now you left the project, and the user you entered before is now the owner.
In Gitlab 8.8.3 you are able to transfer a project. Be careful. Changing the project's namespace can have unintended side effects ;)
Go to Project -> Settings -> Project Settings -> Scroll down to Transfer project
In current version (10.2.4) you should do following:
Go to "Project" -> "Settings" -> Expand "Advanced settings" -> Scroll down to "Transfer project"
Move your project to a new group where both you and the other user are owners, then the other user must transfer it to his own namespace.
The other answers obviously do not work to transfer a project to a different user, although the comments section of one is enough for someone to figure it out. Also there is this issue on GitLab itself that provides some insights.
My Situation
I installed and now administer a few instances of GitLab for a few small developer teams as well as one for my personal projects. Resultingly, I have run into numerous questions about this. I keep coming back to this question only to realize that it was never actually answered correctly.
The Namespace Problem
The issue that you face when doing this is that there can only be one owner of a project, but to transfer a project you have to own the namespace that you are transferring it to. To my knowledge there is no other way to move a project. For completeness, I'll add that the namespace here is, e.g., "" or "".
Because one user cannot "own" another namespace (not even admins), the only option to set up a scenario where two users own the same namespace is with a group. Perform the following steps to accomplish this.
At this point you will be left as a master in the project. You can now remove yourself from the project entirely if desired.
I'll admit, that was way too much work to transfer a project...
You can basically create a group then add the project to a group, then from the group member setting add a new owner and you can leave the group yourself.
See screenshots
It involves multiple steps, but its possible.
However I think it is easier to maintain if you leave your repository in the group
Transfer menu are always at
Project => Settings => Advanced