I can't seem to find this information. But using a geo search you can specify $maxDistance
but for the life of me, I can't find if that is miles, kilometers, etc.
Here is a sample query I'm using:
db.hotels.find( { location: { $near : [18.74255, 99.03523], $maxDistance : 0.05 } } ).count()
Returns 15 (from my hotels database).
Thanks for any information.
Unless you're doing a spherical query (like
), MongoDB doesn't actually care about units, it just treats your locations as Cartesian coordinates.So, the calculated distance is going to be in whatever your input units were. Since your
point looks like standard lat/long, the$maxDistance
in this case will be in units of degrees.If you are using
,and if you use
is the earths radius in kms