I'm currently developing a chrome extension, I need to access some http-auth protected resources (webdav). The HTTP auth is using (in the best case) a digest authentication.
I'm able to do the auth directly in the ajax request using the https://login:password@domain.tld/path/to/ressource form.
The issue is : if the login/password is wrong, I can't just get a 401 status (unauthorized), Chrome pops up the regular authentication dialog. Which I don't want cause it's confusing for user and I can't save the credentials from here.
EDIT: Another use-case I faced is : I want to check if a resource is password-protected without trying to provide credentials to actualy access it.
Any ideas on how to catch the 401 without poping the Chrome's auth box ?
It's really seems to be a lack in chrome behavior, other people are wishing to see something as the mozBakgroundRequest Chris highlighted, there already a a bug report for that.
There are (hackish) workarounds suggested by some developers in the bugtracker :
In both case, the benefit is that it won't pop an authentication box... But you will never know if it's a real server timeout or a 401. (I didn't tested those workarounds).
Google Chrome teams has implented the onAuthRequired event in Google Chrome 22, so now is possible detect when the HTTP Basic Authentication is required.
In fact I wrote a extension that automatically sends the HTTP Basic Authentication credentials using the onAuthRequired event.
It is available for free in the official Google Chrome web store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/basic-authentication-auto/dgpgkkfheijbcgjklcbnokoleebmeokn
Usage example of onAuthRequired event:
You need to add the right permissions to the manifest file in order to use the onAuthRequired.
Download the extensions and check the source code for a better approach.
It should work even if the request was initiated from another extension.
I think this is impossible. If you are using the browser's http client then it will prompt the user for credentials on a 401.
EDIT : Over in mozilla land https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XMLHttpRequest check out "mozBackgroundRequest".