Is there anything similar to for Android? It allows to share URL's to social networking sites. Is there anything similar to this or do I need to code separately for facebook, Twitter and email?
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For facebook you can use `
website url could be any thing refereing to any resource for example if you want to get an image from internet and sharung it on your wall .
hope this would help
I don't know if that's what you mean but you can use the Android built-in sharing menu...
You can share a URL to Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and more (as long as the apps are installed on your device) using Intents:
If the app you want to share to is not installed on the user's device, for example - facebook, then you'll have to use Facebook SDK.
If you want your Activity to handle text data shared from other apps as well, you can add this to your AndroidManifest.xml:
Hope this helps!
You can use also ShareCompat class from support library.
For me this works just fine:
Here is my implementation, you can add more apps if you wish by just adding package names. This code also sorts the applications according to their names.
You can try this...