If you are using Visual Studio 2015 then there is a Doxygen generator written for the Macro explorer extension which uses JavaScript for it's macro language.
You could use my addin, Atomineer Pro Documentation to quickly generate documentation comments in Documentation-XML, Doxygen, Qt or JavaDoc format. Then use Sandcastle (DocXml) or Doxygen (DocXml, Doxygen, Qt, Javadoc) to convert this documentation into external documentation files.
I'd recommend uing DocXml format because all the above tools work with it, and Visual Studio recognises it (it syntax colours it, and it builds the docs into its intellisense database so it appears in tool-tip help as you type class/method names into your code).
One way to generate documentation is - you guessed it - javadoc. You simply have to comment the same way you usually do, and javadoc does a good job of converting them to HTML/LaTeX style.
Of course, that's not the only solution. I'll leave room for others.
I use AtomineerUtils to create the XML-Documentation headers automatically. This tool will help you a lot. You can have free base version here: http://www.atomineerutils.com/products.php
If you are using Visual Studio 2015 then there is a Doxygen generator written for the Macro explorer extension which uses JavaScript for it's macro language.
Project is on github here: https://github.com/cppocl/visual_studio_macros
Also, take a look at CppTripleSlash - xml doc comments for c++. It is a free Visual Studio 2015, 2013, 2012, 2010 extension.
You could use my addin, Atomineer Pro Documentation to quickly generate documentation comments in Documentation-XML, Doxygen, Qt or JavaDoc format. Then use Sandcastle (DocXml) or Doxygen (DocXml, Doxygen, Qt, Javadoc) to convert this documentation into external documentation files.
I'd recommend uing DocXml format because all the above tools work with it, and Visual Studio recognises it (it syntax colours it, and it builds the docs into its intellisense database so it appears in tool-tip help as you type class/method names into your code).
One way to generate documentation is - you guessed it - javadoc. You simply have to comment the same way you usually do, and javadoc does a good job of converting them to HTML/LaTeX style.
Of course, that's not the only solution. I'll leave room for others.
You can have a look at Doxygen.
You could use the XML-Documentation format, supported by VS2010, too. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177226%28VS.80%29.aspx
After commenting your code, you can use Sandcastle to create a MSDN-like documentation: http://sandcastle.codeplex.com/. (Here is a GUI representation for Sandcastle, which is a lot easier to use: https://github.com/EWSoftware/SHFB)
I use AtomineerUtils to create the XML-Documentation headers automatically. This tool will help you a lot. You can have free base version here: http://www.atomineerutils.com/products.php