What is the difference between Simple Logging Facade for Java and Apache Commons Logging?
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Logging Facade|Framework|AbstractionLayer
(facade-The word comes from the French language, literally meaning "frontage" or "face".)
Definition- Logging Facade
Logging Facade is a abstraction for various logging frameworks, e.g. java.util.logging, log4j and logback, allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time.
Simple Logging Facade(SLF4J) is a abstract logging framework like JCL(jakarta-commons-logging). And JCL is also called as Apache Commons Logging
Also note that commons-io(apache io -utilities) is different from commons-logging(logging facade)
From the SLF4J FAQ:
Do a google for "JCL classloader issues" for more on this...
While SLF4J can be used as a facade over libraries like Log4j, or JUL, it can also be used as an API to implement native logging libraries, like Logback did. A native SLF4J library won't need adapter glue in the middle like the facade for Log4j or JUL does, so it should be more efficient as well.