I'm unable to highlight my assembly.
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I know the question was for Sublime 2, but if you want a nice highlighter I'm using the MasmAssembly on Sublime 3 and found that its quite good. It highlights even ZMMs registers and the lastests SSE instructions.
You can install it using the package control plugin, nevetheless here is the repository: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/MasmAssembly
There is now a much better answer to this:
In Sublime Text, just go to Preferences > Package Control > install packages. Once there search for "mips-syntax" and hit enter on the result.
Once it installs you should be able to select MIPS as the syntax highlighting for whatever file you're editing.
Edit: Of course, this does assume that your Sublime has Package Control. You can get package control to do this and more at: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control
GAS syntax:
I know there's a chosen answer, but for anyone else who comes here in the future, you have to specify which syntax you want. Assembly comes in a lot of different flavors. Other answers have given NASM, SPARC, and MIPS. When I visited this page a year ago, I was looking for a good GAS (AT&T) syntax def for x86, which I never found.
So naturally, I made my own. It's really an x64 highlighter, but of course that includes x86 too: https://github.com/calculuswhiz/Assembly-Syntax-Definition
It's also on Package Control. To find it, type "gasx" into the search field.
Old question, but there is this one: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/NASM%20x86%20Assembly
I've found another one Assembly x86 syntax definition.
It seems that this guy had done a huge amount of work, and keeps the syntax updated. At least at the time of writing the last change was 9 days ago.
He has also this post on Sublime forum.
No, but since Sublime Text 2 can read Textmate language definition files (.tmLanguage files), you could easily add support to Assembly by copying something like https://github.com/foxostro/x86-assembly-textmate-bundle to your "Packages" directory (
C:\Users\hugo\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages
on my Win7).