I have python code that needs to do just a couple simple things to photographs: crop, resize, and overlay a watermark. I've used PIL, and the resample/resize results are TERRIBLE. I've used imagemagick, and the interface and commands were designed by packaging a cat in a box, and then repeatedly throwing it down a set of stairs at a keyboard.
I'm looking for something which is not PIL or Imagemagick that I can use with python to do simple, high-quality image transformations. For that matter, it doesn't even have to have python bindings if the command line interface is good.
Oh, and it needs to be relatively platform agnostic, our production servers are linux, but some of our devs develop on windows. It can't require the installation of a bunch of silly gui code to use as a library, either.
Have you checked pypi? A cursory search shows some image related tools there, I also discovered python-gd, no clue how useful it might be though.
I've never had any issues with PIL myself, but some kind of variety might be interesting.
I'm unsure as to why Image.thumbnail is getting such flak. In the present release that I'm running off of it does little more than figure out the desired size and resize the image in place. As long as you're using the proper resample filter and convert to RGB first (as bobince says) thumbnail shouldn't be any different than resize.
Here's the actual source for the thumbnail method:
Last time I compared, this downscaler's output is almost identical to that of GIMP's "cubic" option:
IIRC, the differences are visually indistinguishable -- some pixel values +/-1 due to rounding, and they tend to be round the edges. It's not slow either.
cf: http://www.mail-archive.com/image-sig@python.org/msg00248.html