I am currently working on an ASP.NET MVC solution and have recently introduced both Knockout (an MVVM JS library) and Wijmo (a set of jQuery UI widgets).
With the introduction of Knockout I also need to have models on the client side, so for this purpose I am serializing the C# ViewModel and attaching it to the view using data-model="@Model.ToJson()"
. This allows me to retrieve the model from JS and apply some client-side love to everything.
However, knockout needs everything to be observables, so I need to declare a separate client-side ViewModel and map everything from the data-model object. This feels very much like duplicate effort and I'd like to avoid it somehow.
I'm hoping someone has a tool or technique to share that will allow me to render the knockout ViewModel directly from the server. Possible solution could include:
- Custom JSON serialization to render the observable view model directly to the output in the data-model attribute.
- Automatic client-side transformation (I've heard of ko-autobind, but am not sure if it would be a recommended path to take or how stable/complete it is)
- Something I haven't thought of
I'd like the solution to be generic and automatic, as my current approach of typing the observable client-side view models by hand is just too unproductive to be viable.
How are you solving this problem?
Try this pluggin for visual studio http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/32c15a80-1c54-4e96-a83f-7cd57573a5d2
According to their tutorials it's just a simple
functionIf this is the ViewModel
And this function get's the data from the server, it uses the
function to inject the server data right into the VMFor ko mapping http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/plugins-mapping.html
For auto-bind here's an example