Is there any trivial way to copy the data from developmenet database into the test one? I know theres a way to copy schema and recreate database, but is there any rake task to populate test database with development one?
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An alternative method if you use seeds (db/seeds.rb)
First, add a rake task for example to lib/tasks/test_seed.rake with this code:
Then whenever you changed your database structure / content through migration and seeds, you can run
To copy the schema and seed data.
So the complete steps would be:
If you just want to clone the development DB in its entirety, what's wrong with just copying the development.sqlite3 and renaming it test.sqlite3? You can automate the process by setting up a batch file (or its equivalent on your OS) that you can run from the command line.
This will work locally, but I just realized you might be thinking a non-local environment, in which case it probably won't.
With Postgres, copy the database like so:
You can use mysql directly:
You can use:
To copy the development db into test.
For all databases: