I am trying to solve the maxium flow problem for a graph using Ford–Fulkerson algorithm. The algorithm is only described with a directed graph. What about when the graph is undirected?
What I have done to mimic an undirected graph is to use two directed edges between a pair of vertices. What confuses me is: Should each of these edges then have a residual edge or is the "opposite" directed edge the residual edge?
I have assumed the last but my algorithm seems to go in an infinite loop. I hope any of you can give me some help. Below is my own implementation. I am using DFS in find.
import sys
import fileinput
class Vertex(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.edges = []
def find(self, sink, path):
if(self == sink):
return path
for edge in self.edges:
residual = edge.capacity - edge.flow
if(residual > 0 or edge.inf):
if(edge not in path and edge.oppositeEdge not in path):
toVertex = edge.toVertex
result = toVertex.find(sink, path)
if result != None:
return result
class Edge(object):
def __init__(self, fromVertex, toVertex, capacity):
self.fromVertex = fromVertex
self.toVertex = toVertex
self.capacity = capacity
self.flow = 0
self.inf = False
if(capacity == -1):
self.inf = True
def __repr__(self):
return self.fromVertex.name.strip() + " - " + self.toVertex.name.strip()
def buildGraph(vertices, edges):
for edge in edges:
sourceVertex = vertices[int(edge[0])]
sinkVertex = vertices[int(edge[1])]
capacity = int(edge[2])
edge1 = Edge(sourceVertex, sinkVertex, capacity)
edge2 = Edge(sinkVertex, sourceVertex, capacity)
edge1.oppositeEdge = edge2
edge2.oppositeEdge = edge1
def maxFlow(source, sink):
path = source.find(sink, [])
while path != None:
minCap = sys.maxint
for e in path:
if(e.capacity < minCap and not e.inf):
minCap = e.capacity
for edge in path:
edge.flow += minCap
edge.oppositeEdge.flow -= minCap
path = source.find(sink, [])
return sum(e.flow for e in source.edges)
vertices, edges = parse()
buildGraph(vertices, edges)
source = vertices[0]
sink = vertices[len(vertices)-1]
maxFlow = maxFlow(source, sink)
Your approach using two antiparallel edges works. If your edge is
(capacity 10, we send 7 over it), we introduce a new residual edge (fromb
that has residual capacity 17, the residual edge froma
has the remaining capacity 3).The original back-edge (from
) can be left as it is or the new residual edge and the original backedge can be melt into one edge.I could imagine that adding the residual capacity to the original back-edge is a bit simpler, but not sure about that.