Are you working on a (probably commercial) product which uses RDF/OWL/SPARQL technologies? If so, can you please describe your product?
- How can I optimize a SPARQL query that returns opt
- Calculate the depth of subclass in the OWL ontolog
- MVC2 - Consume RSS feed with RDF and namespace htt
- RDFlib 'on disk' store
- jena.query.ResultSet and jena.query.QuerySolution:
- RDF libraries for Scala [closed]
- The difference between blank nodes and variables i
- Triple extraction from a sentance
- Meaning of owl:hasValue?
- boundary for arbitrary property path in SPARQL 1.1
- boundary for arbitrary property path in SPARQL 1.1
- sparql complete tree from subject
- Jena Fuseki assembler file + TDB + OWL reasoner
O'Reilly's Practical RDF has a chatper titled Commercial Uses of RDF/XML. The table at the left lists the subsections: Chandler, RDF Gateway, Seamark, and Adobe's XMP stuff.
Ontology-aware search engines:
Mobile applications:
Microsoft Interactive Media Manager is a metadata management system developed on the Microsoft SharePoint platform that heavily leverages RDF, OWL, and SPARQL. It has some big customers in the broadcast space and is an excellent example of enterprise use of these technologies.
Three of Garlik's ( services, DataPatrol, QDOS and a FOAF viewer all use RDF and SPARQL extensively.
DataPatrol in particular and has tens of thousands of users in the UK. The dataset size is around ten billion RDF triples.
We are serving up rdf at, and are planning to put a SPARQL engine over it. The bioinformatics community is very interested in RDF in general.
The html search interface is at
Also see
Note that what you see in the web browser is OWL run through a stylesheet. Do a "view source" to see the OWL.
Metatomix uses semantic technologies (RDF, ontologies, etc) in a few of their applications: