I've tried <UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal" />
, but I get "Unresolved reference to symbol WixUI:WixUIMinimal". What am I doing wrong?
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You need to add reference of WixUIExtension in your WIX project to resolve this issue.
Below is a link to a good example on how to custimize the WixUIExtensions.
Customised UIs for Wix
If you use the
directly via MSBuild, without Visual Studio, the required modification is to add this:See Re: (WiX-users) How to get off the ground with WixUI_Minimal?
The wixui extension is no longer wixui.wixlib. It was rolled into the WixUIExtension.
If you are on the command line, add
-ext WixUIExtension
to the call to light.exe.If you have a WiX project in Visual Studio, add a reference to "WixUIExtension" by right clicking on "References" in the Solution Explorer.
See the WiXUI Dialog Sets page for WIX3.