I have a datareader that return a lsit of records from a sql server database. I have a field in the database called "Additional". This field is 50% of the time empty or null.
I am trying to write code that checks if this field isnull. The logic behind this is: If the field "Additional" contains text then display the info otherwise hide the field.
I have tried:
if (myReader["Additional"] != null)
ltlAdditional.Text = "contains data";
ltlAdditional.Text = "is null";
The above code gives me this error:
Exception Details: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Additional
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
This is the correct and tested solution
In addition to the suggestions given, you can do this directly from your query like this -
This way you can write the condition to check whether the field value is < 0 or >= 0.
I also experiencing this kind of problem but mine, i'm using DbDataReader as my generic reader (for SQL, Oracle, OleDb, etc.). If using DataTable, DataTable has this method:
using this I can determine if that column is existing in the result set that my query has. I'm also looking if DbDataReader has this capability.