I am using auto mapper to map multiple objects (db class into ui objects).
Map 1:
Mapper.CreateMap<sourceone, destination>().ForMember(sss => sss.one, m => m.MapFrom(source => source.abc));
Map 2:
Mapper.CreateMap<sourcetwo, destination>().ForMember(sss => sss.two, m => m.MapFrom(source => source.xyz));
destination d = new destination();
//Map 1
d = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<sourceone, destination>(sourceone);
//Map 2
d = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<sourcetwo, destination>(sourcetwo);
Once I make call to the 'Map 2', the values that are populated using Map 1 are lost.. (i.e destination.one is becoming empty). How do I fix this?
with the accepted answer as extension-methods, simple and general version:
after configuring mapping for each input-type:
has an overload that takes a source and destination object: