What is the correct way to obtain (-1)^n?

2019-03-08 22:04发布

Many algorithms require to compute (-1)^n (both integer), usually as a factor in a series. That is, a factor that is -1 for odd n and 1 for even n. In a C++ environment, one often sees:

int main(){
   int n = 13;
   std::cout << std::pow(-1, n) << std::endl;

What is better or the usual convention? (or something else),

std::pow(-1, n)
std::pow(-1, n%2)
(1-2*(n%2))  // (gives incorrect value for negative n)


In addition, user @SeverinPappadeux proposed another alternative based on (a global?) array lookups. My version of it is:

const int res[] {-1, 1, -1}; // three elements are needed for negative modulo results
const int* const m1pow = res + 1; 

This is not probably not going to settle the question but, by using the emitted code we can discard some options.

First without optimization, the final contenders are:

   1 - ((n & 1) << 1);

(7 operation, no memory access)

  mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-20]
  add eax, eax
  and eax, 2
  mov edx, 1
  sub edx, eax
  mov eax, edx
  mov DWORD PTR [rbp-16], eax



(5 operations, memory --registers?-- access)

  mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-20]
  and eax, 1
  mov eax, DWORD PTR main::retvals[0+rax*4]
  mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax

Now with optimization (-O3)

   1 - ((n & 1) << 1);

(4 operation, no memory access)

  add edx, edx
  mov ebp, 1
  and edx, 2
  sub ebp, edx



(4 operations, memory --registers?-- access)

  mov eax, edx
  and eax, 1
  movsx rcx, eax
  mov r12d, DWORD PTR main::retvals[0+rcx*4]



(4 operations, no memory access)

  cmp eax, 1
  sbb ebx, ebx
  and ebx, 2
  sub ebx, 1

The test are here. I had to some some acrobatics to have meaningful code that doesn't elide operations all together.

Conclusion (for now)

So at the end it depends on the level optimization and expressiveness:

  • 1 - ((n & 1) << 1); is always good but not very expressive.
  • retvals[n&1]; pays a price for memory access.
  • n%2?-1:1; is expressive and good but only with optimization.

2楼-- · 2019-03-08 23:02

Usually you don't actually calculate (-1)^n, instead you track the current sign (as a number being either -1 or 1) and flip it every operation (sign = -sign), do this as you handle your n in order and you will get the same result.

EDIT: Note that part of the reason I recommend this is because there is rarely actually semantic value is the representation (-1)^n it is merely a convenient method of flipping the sign between iterations.

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