I'm trying to use the speech recognition in .net to recognize the speech of a podcast in an mp3 file and get the result as string. All the examples I've seen are related to using microphone but I don't want to use the microphone and provide a sample mp3 file as my audio source. Can anyone point me to any resource or post an example.
I converted the audio file to wav
file and tried this code on it. But it only extracts the first 68 words.
public class MyRecognizer {
public string ReadAudio() {
SpeechRecognitionEngine sre = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();
Grammar gr = new DictationGrammar();
sre.SetInputToWaveFile("C:\\Users\\Soham Dasgupta\\Downloads\\Podcasts\\Engadget_Podcast_353.wav");
sre.BabbleTimeout = new TimeSpan(Int32.MaxValue);
sre.InitialSilenceTimeout = new TimeSpan(Int32.MaxValue);
sre.EndSilenceTimeout = new TimeSpan(100000000);
sre.EndSilenceTimeoutAmbiguous = new TimeSpan(100000000);
RecognitionResult result = sre.Recognize(new TimeSpan(Int32.MaxValue));
return result.Text;
Try reading it in a loop.
If you've a Windows Forms or WPF application, run this code in a seperate thread, otherwise it blocks the UI thread.
I would look first at the method documented here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.speech.recognition.speechrecognitionengine.setinputtowavefile.aspx
You should be able to work it out from here I think.