Lets say you have a fragment of the page which displays the most recent posts, and you expire it in 30 minutes. I'm using Rails here.
<% cache("recent_posts", :expires_in => 30.minutes) do %>
<% end %>
Obviously you don't need to do the database lookup to get the most recent posts if the fragment exists, so you should be able to avoid that overhead too.
What I'm doing now is something like this in the controller which seems to work:
unless Rails.cache.exist? "views/recent_posts"
@posts = Post.find(:all, :limit=>20, :order=>"updated_at DESC")
Is this the best way? Is it safe?
One thing I don't understand is why the key is "recent_posts
" for the fragment and "views/recent_posts
" when checking later, but I came up with this after watching memcached -vv
to see what it was using. Also, I don't like the duplication of manually entering "recent_posts
", it would be better to keep that in one place.
What happens if the cache expires between the time you check for it in the controller and the time it's beeing checked in the view rendering?
I'd make a new method in the model:
then use that in the view:
For clarity, you could also consider moving the rendering of a recent post into its own partial:
Evan Weaver's Interlock Plugin solves this problem.
You can also implement something like this yourself easily if you need different behavior, such as more fine grained control. The basic idea is to wrap your controller code in a block that is only actually executed if the view needs that data:
If you're familiar with the basics of ruby meta programming it's easy enough to wrap this up in a cleaner API of your taste.
This is superior to putting the finder code directly in the view:
I think cache_fu might have similar functionality in one of it's versions/forks, but can't recall specifically.
The advantage you get from memcached is directly related to your cache hit rate. Take care not to waste your cache capacity and cause unnecessary misses by caching the same content multiple times. For example, don't cache a set of record objects as well as their html fragment at the same time. Generally fragment caching will offer the best performance, but it really depends on the specifics of your application.
Lars makes a really good point about there being a slight chance of failure using:
because there is a gap between when you check the cache and when you use the cache.
The plugin that jason mentions (Interlock) handles this very gracefully by assuming that if you are checking for existence of the fragment, then you will probably also use the fragment and thus caches the content locally. I use Interlock for these very reasons.
just as a piece of thought:
in application controller define
then in any action use
in view
You may also want to look into
Fragment Cache Docs
Which allow you to do this:
Although I admit the issue of DRY still rears its head needing the name of the key in two places. I usually do this similar to how Lars suggested but it really depends on taste. Other developers I know stick with checking fragment exist.
If you look at the fragment docs, you can see how it gets rid of needing the view prefix: