I'm building quite a large site, no e-commerce, but a a lot of specific content to be managed. For some reason, the client wants Wordpress. There is no way of getting around this...
I've used Wordpress before to rapidly develop blogs, but that's about it. If anything goes beyond the scope of Wordpress I'll use a framework in something (Rails/Cake).
This build is going to require custom plug-ins and widgets, so what I'm asking is how is the best way to go about learning how Wordpress and best practices for plug-ins and widgets?
Wordpress is a great platform but documentation is clearly not at the same quality level as traditional software editors.
All Wordpress Books are written by consultants which seems to be willing more to show off their technical knowledge with a bunch of hacks instead of being really pedagogical and take you step by step from the fundamental of architecture to the uppest level.
Wordpress could have been redevelopped with a standard MVC Framework I'm surprised nobody tried.