I'm building quite a large site, no e-commerce, but a a lot of specific content to be managed. For some reason, the client wants Wordpress. There is no way of getting around this...
I've used Wordpress before to rapidly develop blogs, but that's about it. If anything goes beyond the scope of Wordpress I'll use a framework in something (Rails/Cake).
This build is going to require custom plug-ins and widgets, so what I'm asking is how is the best way to go about learning how Wordpress and best practices for plug-ins and widgets?
Wordpress is great for editorial purpose , drafts, reviews , auto-save, new roles system and other stuff ... This is its domain , not other . Wordpress Plugins System doesn't forward OOP approach ( i don't say there aren't plugins written with OOP approach , but in a complex scenario hooks system result very tedious) First try to explain this to your customer . Documentation , like other developers explain , isn't suitable , you can try to start with http://codex.wordpress.org , then the best move is to analyze directly portion of wordpress code interested to your modify and find all filters/action hooks , this is a complete db of all hooks ( http://adambrown.info/p/wp_hooks ) . Finally pay attention to hooks that will become deprecated such as wp_authentication used in many plugins.
Hit up the wordpress site. Seems obvious, but they have lots and lots of good docs and information.
i check smashingmagazine.com for tutorials, plugins, themes, tips, hacks
speckyboy.com is also a regular place i go to
usually it is more like google the task at hand and see ;)
the best way to learn, install a demo and play around or read a book along from wordpress ( the dummies series or something) that will make sure u cover all the basics and get some fun experience
Happy wordpressing
I use these on a daily basis and all the links are WordPress specific. Happy coding!
I am a big fan of css-tricks.com. Chris covers a lots of topics, including Wordpress stuff with some good screencasts too.