I've been working with Perl long enough that many of its idiosyncracies have become second nature to me. When new programmers join our group, they frequently have little to no experience with Perl, and it's usually my task to train them (to the extent necessary). I'd like to know what to focus on when training a programmer who is new to Perl but has experience with other languages (this question is meant to be language-agnostic, but most developers I've worked with have come from Java).
A few things occur to me:
- The proper use of sigils
- Referencing/Dereferencing
- Use of list functions like map, grep, sort
Is there anything in particular that you've found it useful to focus on when helping a programmer to transition to Perl? Do you stress the similarities or the differences, or both in equal measure?
The most important thing you can show them is how to access the documentation, and how to find it (
perldoc perltoc
,perldoc -q $keyword
,perldoc -f $function
etc).Perl comes with great documentation, including reference and tutorial-style material. Making that accessible to the newcomer is the most effective thing you can do for them.