Looking for a good Money data type for .NET that supports currencies and exchange rates (with related behaviour & operations).
- Note: I started searching for the source code seen in print in the book Test-Driven Development By Example by author Kent Beck - he develops a nice Monetary concept. Unable to find the complete source online. The book does not contain one singular listing - instead it develops the source code over the duration of the book.
Although the book doesn't go deeper I would also like the Money class to support different rounding mechanisms because that also varies among financial institutions around the globe.
Edit 1: Clarifications
By "Money class" I mean a .NET data type that I can use to support money and its operations, complete with currency support and exchange rate calculations. Something like that is a higher level abstraction and might internally use a primitive data type. Also it might rely on a bundle of classes like: Money, ExchangeRate, Bank, etc.
It might be a value type (i.e. struct) or reference type (i.e. class) but either way it would be complete and support the aforementioned features.
Edit 2: Objectives of Money data type
(This also shows why a raw decimal, int or other primitive type won't suffice for all Money needs)
Objectives of a Money data type would be:
- Safety features (i.e. prevent arithmetic on different currency types).
- Store the currency type with the value (i.e. AUD, US, DKK).
- Store formatting details (i.e. decimal grouping, currency symbols, etc.).
- Conversion providers (e.g. exchange rate) to help round out the solution.
- Reduce multiple currencies in an expression to achieve a result.
Note: Varying data values like exchange rates can be loaded from an external source and used. This question does not infer anything dynamic is hard-coded into the concept of Money.
If you are looking for patterns, you could check out Joda Money. It is Java, but should give you some ideas on an API. A C# implementation would be much less verbose due to operator overloading.
you will probably find that creating your own class will result in the best solution.
NodaMoney provides a library that treats Money as a first class citizen in .NET and handles all the ugly bits like currencies and formatting.
It complies with the currencies in ISO 4217. And it's the .NET counterpart of the java library JodaMoney.
Money Data Type @ The Code Project
Author states similar problem:
and fulfills objectives
So far this the closest .NET code to what I'm searching for. It fulfills most requirements of Money.
If anybody has something better it would be much appreciated.
Martin Fowler considers money as a special case of "Quantity", secondly he thinks the right Data Type for money should be the Big Integer. And he does have a point.
Quantity and Money Pattern by Martin Fowler
Have a look here:
It provides a .NET library replicating all the excel financial functions.
Doing currency conversion is tricky, because obviously it changes continously, so hardcoded values will be more or less useless. However, you may be able to use a web service to access up-to-date exchange rates. This one looks like a good start. Even better, a REST-style interface to the same converter:
So that outputs the conversion rate of pounds sterling to euros.