Either my google searching has completely left me or there's hardly any documentation/tutorials for django-socialregistration. Too bad, because it seems like a nice enough app. Through some trial-and-error, I have managed to get it mostly running on my site.
My question, using django-socialregistration how do I request permission for the facebook user's full name, current city and date of birth and store it in my UserProfile table (which is my AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE for django-profiles) in Django upon registration? Also, how do I post to the user's wall from Django once the connection is made?
Currently, when I click the "Connect with Facebook" button the facebook connection is made, a new Django user is created and the user is logged in with that Django account. However, no UserProfile is created and no facebook profile data is saved.
Any facebook connect gurus out there want to help the Django pony fly to Facebookland?
- Django 1.2.1
- Python 2.5.2
- django-socialregistration 0.4.2
- django-registration 0.7
- django-profiles 0.2
"Kind sir, can you please help me find the magical Facebookland?"
In facebook_js.html you need to adjust the following line, by uncommenting items that you need to get from FB:
Then, in FacebookMiddleware you can extract that data from fb_user, like this:
FWIW, I just found this moderately helpful nugget from the app author buried in the "Issues" section on github:
question from "tolano":
answer from "flashingpumpkin":
Here's another relevant nugget (source: http://github.com/flashingpumpkin/django-socialregistration/issues/closed#issue/7) Enough of these and this page will become the de facto django-socialregistration documentation ;)
question from "girasquid":
answer from "flashingpumpkin":