I am putting together a dev environment for a Java program and after the first try of my Ant build scripts I got this error:
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/lib/tools.jar
While the path to the jdk is correct, the tools.jar really wasn't there. Is it actually supposed to be there or did I get some config/installation thing wrong?
Installing the jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin (from the oracle.com site) via unzip does not result in a tools.jar. I guess that file is created by the "make-jpkg" script. Once I did that, and installed the resulting .deb file, everything was fine. I really hate oracle's lawyers.
On Ubuntu I've fixed this problem by installing package
tools.jar appeared after that.
(I know this is an old post, but comment in hope that it will be helpful for somebody lurking for answer like I was today.)
Note: On CentOS / RHEL installing
will not be enough. Also installjava-1.x.0-openjdk-devel
.It's there on my machine. I'm running Sun JDK 1.6.0_21 on Windows XP SP3.
Are you sure you have the JDK? Is it possible that you only have the JRE?
Try the following:
select the option that has the path
Worked for me on an ubuntu 10.4
u can try to put your JAVA_HOME also, as follows: