While working on Udacity Deep Learning assignments, I encountered memory problem. I need to switch to a cloud platform. I worked with AWS EC2 before but now I would like to try Google Cloud Platform (GCP). I will need at least 8GB memory. I know how to use docker locally but never tried it on the cloud.
- Is there any ready-made solution for running Tensorflow on GCP?
- If not, which service (Compute Engine or Container Engine) would make it easier to get started?
- Any other tip is also appreciated!
Summing up the answers:
Step by step instructions to run TensorFlow on Compute Engine:
gcloud compute machine-types list
. You can change the machine type I used in the next command.sudo docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name tf b.gcr.io/tensorflow-udacity/assignments:0.5.0
(change the image name to the desired one)default
on your browser. Done!This is how I did it and it worked. I am sure there is an easier way to do it.
More Resources
You might be interested to learn more about:
Good to know
gcloud compute images list --project google-containers
Thanks to @user728291, @MattW. and @CJCullen.
Google Cloud Machine Learning is open to the world in Beta form today. It provides TensorFlow as a Service so you don't have to manage machines and other raw resources. As part of the Beta release, Datalab has been updated to provide commands and utilities for machine learning. Check it out at: http://cloud.google.com/ml.
Im not sure there if there is a need for you to stay on the Google Cloud platform. If you are able to use other products you might save a lot of time, and some money.
If you are using TensorFLow I would recommend a platform called TensorPort. It is exclusively for TesnorFlow and is the easy platform I am aware of. Code and data are loaded with git and they provide a python module for automatic toggling of paths between remote and your local machine. They also provide some boiler plate code for setting up distributed computing if you need it. Hope this helps.
Google has a Cloud ML platform in a limited Alpha.
Here is a blog post and a tutorial about running TensorFlow on Kubernetes/Google Container Engine.
If those aren't what you want, the TensorFlow tutorials should all be able to run on either AWS EC2 or Google Compute Engine.
You now can also use pre-configured DeepLearning images. They have everything that is required for the TensorFlow.