This is an interview question. Suppose there are a few computers and each computer keeps a very large log file of visited URLs. Find the top ten most visited URLs.
For example: Suppose there are only 3 computers and we need the top two most visited URLs.
Computer A: url1, url2, url1, url3 Computer B: url4, url2, url1, url1 Computer C: url3, url4, url1, url3 url1 appears 5 times in all logs url2 2 url3 3 url4 2 So the answer is url1, url3
The log files are too large to fit in RAM and copy them by network. As I understand, it is important also to make the computation parallel and use all given computers.
How would you solve it?
The below description is the idea for the solution. it is not a pseudocode.
Consider you have a collection of systems.
1.for each A: Collections(systems)
1.1) Run a daemonA in each computer which probes on the log file for changes.
1.2) When a change is noticed, wakeup AnalyzerThreadA
1.3) If AnalyzerThreadA finds a URL using some regex, then update localHashMapA with count++.
(key = URL, value = count ).
2) Push topTen entries of localHashMapA to ComputerA where AnalyzeAll daemon will be running.
The above step will be the last step in each system, which will push topTen entries to a master system, say for example: computerA.
3) AnalyzeAll running in computerA will resolve duplicates and update count in masterHashMap of URLs.
4) Print the topTen from masterHashMap.
Given the scale of the log files and the generic nature of the question, this is quite a difficult problem to solve. I do not think that there is one best algorithm for all situations. It depends on the nature of the contents of the log files. For example, take the corner case that all URLs are all unique in all log files. In that case, basically any solution will take a long time to draw that conclusion (if it even gets that far...), and there is not even an answer to your question because there is no top-ten.
I do not have a watertight algorithm that I can present, but I would explore a solution that uses histograms of hash values of the URLs as opposed to the URLs themselves. These histograms can be calculated by means of one-pass file reads, so it can deal with arbitrary size log files. In pseudo-code, I would go for something like this:
Note that this mechanism will require tuning and optimization with regard to several aspects of the algorithm and hash-functions. It will also need orchestration by the server as to which calculations should be done at any time. It probably will also need to set some boundaries in order to conclude when no conclusion can be drawn, in other words when the "spectrum" of URL hash values is too flat to make it worth the effort to continue calculations.
This approach should work well if there is a clear distribution in the URLs though. I suspect that, practically speaking, the question only makes sense in that case anyway.
Pre-processing: Each computer system processes complete log file and prepares Unique URLs list with count against them.
Getting top URLs:
PS: You'll have top ten URLs across systems not necessarily in that order. To get the actual order you can reverse collation. For a given URL on top ten get individual count from dist-computers and form final order.
Assuming the conditions below are true:
I would take the approach below:
Each node reads a portion of the file (ie. MAX urls, where MAX can be, let's say, 1000 urls) and keeps an array arr[MAX]={url,hits}.
When a node has read MAX urls off the file, it sends the list to the master node, and restarts reads until MAX urls is reached again.
When a node reaches the EOF, he sends the remaining list of urls and an EOF flag to the master node.
When the master node receives a list of urls, it compares it with its last list of urls and generates a new, updated one.
When the master node receives the EOF flag from every node and finishes reading his own file, the top n urls of the last version of his list are the ones we're looking for.
OrA different approach that would release the master from doing all the job could be:
Every node reads its file and stores an array same as above, reading until EOF.
When EOF, the node will send the first url of the list and the number of hits to the master.
When the master has collected the first url and number of hits for each node, it generates a list. If the master node has less than n urls, it will ask the nodes to send the second one and so on. Until the master has the n urls sorted.
This is a pretty standard problem for which there is a well-known solution. You simply sort the log files on each computer by URL and then merge them through a priority queue of size k (the number of items you want) on the "master" computer. This technique has been around since the 1960s, and is still in use today (although slightly modified) in the form of MapReduce.
On each computer, extract the URL and the count from the log file, and sort by URL. Because the log files are larger than will fit into memory, you need to do an on-disk merge. That entails reading a chunk of the log file, sorting by URL, writing the chunk to disk. Reading the next chunk, sorting, writing to disk, etc. At some point, you have M log file chunks, each sorted. You can then do an M-way merge. But instead of writing items to disk, you present them, in sorted order (sorted by URL, that is), to the "master".
Each machine sorts its own log.
The "master" computer merges the data from the separate computers and does the top K selection. This is actually two problems, but can be combined into one.
The master creates two priority queues: one for the merge, and one for the top K selection. The first is of size N, where N is the number of computers it's merging data from. The second is of size K: the number of items you want to select. I use a min heap for this, as it's easy and reasonably fast.
To set up the merge queue, initialize the queue and get the first item from each of the "worker" computers. In the pseudo-code below, "get lowest item from merge queue" means getting the root item from the merge queue and then getting the next item from whichever working computer presented that item. So if the queue contains
[1, 2, 3]
, and the items came from computers B, C, A (in that order), then taking the lowest item would mean getting the next item from computer B and adding it to the priority queue.The master then does the following:
At this point, the
queue has the K items with the highest counts.So each computer has to do a merge sort, which is O(n log n), where
is the number of items in that computer's log. The merge on the master is O(n), wheren
is the sum of all the items from the individual computers. Picking the top k items is O(n log k), wheren
is the number of unique urls.The sorts are done in parallel, of course, with each computer preparing its own sorted list. But the "merge" part of the sort is done at the same time the master computer is merging, so there is some coordination, and all machines are involved at that stage.