Currently, I am working on a quiz game and in that, for each question, I wish to place a countdown timer. I got some plugins, but I wish if I could create it myself. What I am trying to create looks like the one in the image below.Can you please tell me how I can do it?
Is there a way to assign a border to only up to a specified percentage of the perimeter, so that I could give a border, first in full, and then as each second advances, I can keep decreasing/increasing it so that I would get it in the perfect way.
The timer I wish to create should look somewhat like this (hope you understand how its blue border will increase every second):
you should look at the jquery plugin Knob, generated canvas circular input, and set timer behavior like :
I made a codepen here :
Here is something i was playing around with a while ago. It uses a combination of SVG, css transitions and javascript. You should be able to rip it apart and use as a starting point...
JSFiddle version