Has anybody successfully configured Teamcity to monitor, extract, and build from GitHub?
I can't seem to figure how where and how to configure the SSH keys for Teamcity. I have Teamcity running as a system service, under a system account. So where does Teamcity stash its SSH configuration?
To get this to work, I needed to stop the agent from running under a system account.
Ok... I got this to start working on my Windows server. Here are the steps I took to configure TeamCity 4.5 Professional:
(This is a up to date answer to an old question)
I got ssh based builds working with github/gitlab and teamcity 7 like this:
Log onto the teamcity machine and use puttygen/ssh-keygen to generate a rsa key pair and save the openssh key somewhere sensible. (Gotcha - Using puttygen? Make sure the private key is in openssh format - puttygen > conversions > export openssh key)
I suggest you save the private key in
Now setup "default private key" in teamcity - create a file
And in it place this:
Login to your gitlab/guthub account and paste in the openssh public key for your teamcity private key.
You should now be able to create a git vcs root in teamcity that can use the default private key to pull your source.
Since TeamCity 8.1, there is an official support for SSH key management, please read this docs: https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD9/SSH+Keys+Management
I got "Default Private Key" to work with agents running as the SYSTEM user on Windows. For me, the answer was having the identity file at
instead of at
Your question is specific to SSH, but it is certainly easier and quicker to use HTTP over TLS, as GitHub and TeamCity both now support HTTP authentication. Furthermore, GitHub also supports personal api tokens with limited permissions, that you may configure to your liking, or create a new user if you prefer.
See image below of our TeamCity settings.
You may need a third party plugin like this