I've running through a Xcode 5 tutorial and want to make some significant changes, but want to make this Xcode 5 project into a repository.
I've done some reading and you can add a repository by going to Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Add Respository -> Enter the repository address:
So what would I input here for a local repository (on my iMac) I'm wanting to work on?
That's only for already existing repos that are stored somewhere outside of your project directory. You can create a new repo by opening the terminal in the top-level folder of your project, and then typing
git init
. Your repo is now created and will automatically be recognized by Xcode.I would do this from the command line.
$ cd /path/to/project/dir
$ git init .
file to ignore some of the Xcode and output files that you don't want tracked (see below).$ git add .gitignore
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m Initial.
Sample (but incomplete)
file:And most likely you'll want to add a remote tracking repo, perhaps on github or bitbucket (once a bare repo has been created there):
When you open the Xcode project next time it will be ready for Source Code use.
Apple's official solution is here. See "Use Git to Manage an Unmanaged Workspace Directory on a Development Mac"