I would like to use Node.js to develop a website. I've seen a lot of frameworks here: https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/modules#web-frameworks-micro but do not know which one is the most accepted by the community (let's say: the most popular). Did anyone tried any of these frameworks and/or used it in production and what is your experience? Thanks.
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There is matador. It is MVC and it consists of many different existing components, such as Klass for inheritance model, express, hogan.js, and valentine. Backbone.js is pretty much used for client side. For node, i think there's probably only matador that I know.
I'd suggest you against using it if you're to use matador for production or replace your existing MVC platform (or at least have a bottleneck/good reason to use it) since it's pretty new, and your productivity also depends on the javascript resources you have. We ourselves use node.js very extensively (our node.js deployment serves close to +4 Million users to date) and we have a significant number of javascript specialists here..so we experiment a lot and probably look into using matador soon. Hope that helps.
Monorail.js - Ultra lightweight MVC Framework for Node.js https://github.com/runexec/Monorail.js
There are a few more frameworks which you could check:
ThinkJS https://thinkjs.org/ the first Node.js MVC framework that can use full ES6/7 features to develop Node.js application.
Feathers http://feathersjs.com/ a minimalist real-time framework.
Meteor https://www.meteor.com/
Keystone.js http://keystonejs.com/ built on Express and MongoDB (MIT license).
seneca.js http://senecajs.org/ Everything external to a business logic - such as databases, caches and third-party integrations - is hidden behind microservices.
Catberry http://catberry.org/ was developed to help create apps that use the same codebase on both the server and client environments to render what the client would see as a "Single Page Application".
Nuke.js http://nukejs.com/#/ Fast framework. The stack contains primus, express, mithril, mongodb and redis
Hapi.js http://hapijs.com/ rich web application server framework for Node.js.
total.js https://www.totaljs.com/ The framework contains full web server, view engine, SMTP mail sender, localization, image processing, websockets, isomorphic code and a lot of utilities