When you are using placeholder names when programming (not necessary variable names, but labels, mockup names, etc) and foo and bar is not enough, what do you use?
I guess baz is rather common as third name, and the lorem ipsum for longer texts. But then what?
In Expert C Programming: Deep Secrets, Peter van der Linden used vegetables.
and for OOP Thingoid...
For arbitrary names beyond bar, I've always gone with inky, pinky, blinky, and in exceptional cases, clyde.
moo, cow, sheep, baa (in that order).
Pick a theme and use it.
Or use CPAN's ACME::MetaSyntactic to generate them for you. Lots of themes out of the box.
Names of swedish vegetables and fruits: gurka, tomat, banan. Bonus points if you have å, ä, or ö in the variable names. :-)